What happens after Sunday morning? What happens after the mountain-top experiences, the group praise and worship are over? It’s difficult at times to remain connected to our Lord each day in the everyday, the mundane, when all you have before you are a chores list and yesterday’s leftovers for lunch.
Beyond Sunday Morning is an easy to read, “offbeat blend of humor and apologetics” providing clues, tiny tidbits, and morsels; some are easy to swallow, some not so much, on how to stay connected to the Lord in the other 99 percent of life.
Tony Carvalho starts by setting some ground rules through his numerous stories, insightful perspectives, and fun ways to recognize the Lord’s hand in our lives. He lays out the case, the definition, of what we consider conservative Biblical Christianity by reviewing the frequent challenges to the faith.
Each Christian is in full-time ministry, whether we know it or not, and is in the position to influence the lives of those around us for eternity. Yes, for eternity. The Lord doesn’t want eight-billion Billy Grahams. He wants you, and you, and you, and me.
By reading this book, not only will you get past your bad hair days and miserable Mondays, but your weekly Christianity will get a complete revamp and you’ll know with 100 percent certainty of the Lord’s guidance Beyond Sunday Morning.
Beyond Sunday Morning is a collection of wonderfully written essays. If you are desiring to better understand the goodness of God, look no further. Your heart will be encouraged, and your soul will be fed “Beyond Sunday Morning”!
– Dr. Adam Wright: President of Dallas Baptist University